BNShosting Hosted Document Management System
Released on = August 11, 2007, 12:01 am
Press Release Author = bnshosting
Industry = Internet & Online
Press Release Summary = Reap the benefits of electronic filing! Save time on both storing AND retrieval of your paper documents. Upload the scanned images using a browser and retrieve these by searching on any number of fields:lastname, firstname, social security number, tax identification number, company name, or even just the zip code!
Press Release Body = Reap the benefits of electronic filing! Save time on both storing AND retrieval of your paper documents. Upload the scanned images using a browser and retrieve these by searching on any number of fields:lastname, firstname, social security number, tax identification number, company name, or even just the zip code!
And because the solution is hosted in our data center, you are freed from having to managed the server, making backups and free your system administrator from doing these mundane tasks! It also lowers your startup investments.
Now with electronic filing available online, your information and documents are shared across teams, departments and large organizations even from multiple locations. All they need is to be connected to the internet!
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